Friday, January 24, 2014

no pictures today

Here's how the lay of the land works in me-ville. I have no cable. I have no internet. To write you, I must be in a place that has internet (i.e. not my house).

With me so far?

I take pictures on my phone. Incidentally, not a smart phone, but I can take pictures and email them to myself, so it sorta works. At present, I have not my phone (phone is at my house).

Still with me?

So, there will be no pictures today. However, I do have a small list of things that make me happy today.

1) Tomorrow is Saturday, the last day in my workweek. Yay, weekend!

2) I made an awesome brat topping the other night when I made dinner for my friend Disco and his roommate. I carmelized a sliced onion and cooked it down with some crushed pineapple and a few red pepper flakes. Mixed in a little barbecue sauce too, just because I could. Delish. 

3) I found out my fav, Nick Bantock:
          a) just came out with a new book, which I've already ordered, and
          b) now has an etsy store with art I could potentially afford. 
          c) He also has a workshop in Spain in September, but I doubt I could actually go. (I might also have a small psychological hang-up with being "worthy enough" to go, but I think that's slightly natural when one has the potential to meet one of their idols).

4) The vintage collage I've been working on actually turned out really well. Very clean. Some blank canvas space but I think that's ok, and appropriate for the piece.

5) This freaking awesome song.

So I've been digging around on the internet looking for collage inspiration, and I've noticed a few general trends: coherent "pictures" with altered perspectives, bits and pieces torn and placed together to make a coherent picture (like a mosaic), or completely abstract but thematically related pieces. If I had to pick a category I thought my current work went in, it would be none of them. Truth is, I feel like most of my pieces lack a coherent center, image, or direction. I just place things together that perchance may be thematically related in an arrangement that pleases me, but they feel, as of yet, very scattered and unfocused. 

I think I might try forcing myself to work smaller for awhile and see if I can't rein myself in a little.  :)

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